Day 10
Getting out of the van .. we have the wagon and the lunches and the cameras
Papa and Grammy love Zackary and Henry
Taking after his mom and his Papa, Zackary checks the map
to get an idea of where we are going to be going
Here we go ..
Happy mom. Lucy loves the sling. Kimberly loves the sling, she is able to wrap Lucy in there and go full speed ahead - ready to take care of her mobile kids.
We saw an elephant show. Very cool.
There he goes again - checking that map, making sure we are on track.
Here Kimberly is describing the map of the new zoo plans
Henry found the survey points
Holding Grams hand
Beautiful Utah sky and mountains
Henry is showing us hats available at the gift shop.
Which do you like best?
Grubby little hands reaching for his train ticket
Finally! The train ride.
Lucy gets a little sun and her diaper changed.
Cool water globe
Trying to be cool like Elisa and take a picture of amazing Chris and I when we spent a couple hours together.
Later that night, we had the fam over .. MORE pizza
Domino's - pretty good.
Aunt Donna (my sister)
Uncle Doug ( Don's brother)
Uncle Don and Damen
Uncle Mike (Don's brother)
Afterward we played
Beyond Balderdash
It's a new version that is really fun