photo a day challenge
February 21 pic of myself
February 20th handwriting
I found this journal entry in our old vacation diary.
It's a record of when our family went to northern California,
Erin must have been about ... 12 years old she wrote in here about seeing the tide pools.
February 19th what I hate the most
If I never argue again for the rest of my life, that will be good.
February 18th drink
Did I tell you how wonderful Don is?
That every morning he awakens me with a gentle kiss and a cup of coffee.
February 17th time
You might wonder how this represents time. Being a mom with adult children I understand that tomorrow is different from today - so for today ... this space in time ... I get to see Elisa in her bedroom, I get to see her eclectic style and listen to her indie music. For today, I get to be the recipient of her sunshine.
February 16th something new
That husband of mine picks out the best gifts.
Thank you for these beautiful earrings.
February 15th My cell phone
This is where I hear the news of my babies far away
or get a text a bit of sunshine that says "I'm on my way home"
February 14th a heart
On this day we had hearts, sweethearts actually.
Emily and Rebecca.
We drank tea, made heart shaped cookies
and then hung cut out hearts with words of love written on each one.
February 13th something blue
Once, long ago, about 20 years ago,
a beautiful, gentle spirited little boy with soft brown curls
and clear blue eyes loved trains and wore this hat.
February 12, my birthday. inside my closet
My closet has encouraged me in right perspectives. It is a small closet and since we moved from my Woodland Cottage to the Snuggery I have had to make a lot of choices of what stays and what goes.
How much do I really need? What do I really want?
Febraruy 11th. makes me happy
My friend Moses blessed my heart with these beautiful daffodils.
February 10th self portrait
I chose this because this is myself. My heart, my soul, my life.
February 9th. front door
Which front door wasn't listed so I chose the front door to Auntie Phee's place. I come here on Thursdays and have tea and watermelon with Auntie Phee. We just sit and chat. Talk about the family and what has been happening. She is quite a character and makes me laugh. She is also wise, her advice is usually pretty right on. I will always remember the time she said to Elisa "Leesi, if that young man doesn't work out don't fret, just wait and get on the next trolley" And she is continually telling me that Don is the boss. He is my main concern, I need to be taking good care of him. I tell her yes mam, you are exactly right.
February 8th. the Sun
I didn't get a picture of the sun so I stole one from the internet.
February 7th button
C-3PO .. old friend
February 6th dinner
This is Monday night. We had a busy weekend so I let myself recoup that day ... I boiled some spaghetti, warmed some sauce in a jar and sat down with Elisa. We ate and had a lovely little visit.
February 5th church hymnal
I was at church on this February 5th -
Antioch Community Church we don't usually use the hymn books but I pretty much feel like I am tasting a bit of heaven when we sing one of the old songs and the whole congregation sings out praise to our God.
February 4th a stranger
The waitress at Denny's was a good sport.
On this day, Don and I had gone to Denny's for our weekly planning.
Saturday morning is my favorite day of the week.
February 3 hands
His hands are the hands that have loved us for so many years. They are strong, handsome and gentle.
February 2 Words
I have posted fruit of the Spirit expressions in my plants as a gentle reminder of what our hearts love.
February 1 My view
The saying is true, there is something beautiful about those blue North Carolina skies.